
Bridging the Generation Gap

From the older “veteran” worker who stubbornly refuses to accept change, to the inexperienced, fresh out of college “know-it-all,” managing a workforce that includes a full spectrum of generations can be...

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Diversity in the Workplace

As the work world continues to become more and more diverse, the role of a people leader is that much more challenging. With such a broad range of backgrounds, beliefs and experiences...

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Fostering a Culture of Learning

As a people leader, it’s in your job description to encourage the professional development of your team. Offering meaningful motivators and education can help your employees live up to their full...

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Handling Awkward Employee Conversations

If you lead people, there may come a time where you have to address a problem you would rather avoid. And while it can be a challenge to deal with “big” issues like a death, harassment or an...

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The Impact of a Positive Attitude on Your Team

What is the most important qualification of a good leader—extensive education, an impressive resume, plenty of charisma or a handful of certifications? Surprisingly, all of these qualities, while significant, pale in comparison to the one thing...

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What is your biggest challenge as a manager?

Bringing out the best in your employees

Learning to let go and delegate tasks to others

Dealing with team conflict

Handling employees who are underperforming

Time management
