
 Real Life Quick Tips


Support yourself by:

Taking care of you. See a doctor regularly, eat right, stay active, get plenty of sleep and read lots of books. Understand who you are, what makes you happy and what inspires you. Realize that there are things about yourself that you can’t change. Embrace and commit to

  Support Resources

improving the things you can.

Tap into a supportive social scene by:

Finding strength in numbers. Work on building relationships with your family and friends. Know when to reach for help and identify who is out there to lean on. Join support groups and meet people dealing with similar circumstances. Get involved and give back to the community—it’s a ‘win-win’ activity.

Tap into professional support:

Proactively. Grappling with a stress, relationship or life challenge? Why not seek professional support before the issue interferes with your life, work or overall happiness? It’s estimated that one half of people experiencing depression or anxiety problems have never spoken to a doctor about their concerns. Give your mental health and wellness the respect it deserves and get help from a professional for an emotional “tune-up” when things aren’t going quite right.

The information and resources provided above are meant for informational purposes only. If you feel you are experiencing a crisis, please contact a professional immediately.
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