
 Quick Tips That Work


Support yourself at work by:

Taking brief breaks. You’ve got so much on your plate that you end up ploughing through your lunch hour and staying late to get the job done. But could you be sabotaging yourself? Research suggests that taking brief breaks and then returning to a task can actually boost your overall productivity. So step away from your workstation when you get a chance—even if it’s

  Support Resources

just to hand-deliver that document to a co-worker. The brief change of pace can help you recharge, refocus and get back down to business.

Strengthen yourself socially by:

Lightening up at work. Whether it’s a chuckle over a cute joke or sharing a funny story about your three-year-old daughter, the benefits of laughter are no laughing matter. A good giggle can lighten the mood during high-stress times,

boost immunity and even burn calories! It can also help you bond with your co-workers. Just keep humour tasteful and be sure to use it at appropriate times.

Tap into professional support by:

Connecting with your EAP. Many organizations have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)—at no cost to you—as part of your benefits package. EAPs offer health and wellness resources, as well as professional counselling services that can help you manage work or life challenges you may be facing.

The information and resources provided above are meant for informational purposes only. If you feel you are experiencing a crisis, please contact a professional immediately.
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